News & Updates

Keaau Lighted Christmas Parade 2019

CALLING ALL CLASSIC CARS and TRUCKS! Join us for the Keaau Lighted Christmas Parade on December 14th.            

34th Annual Downtown Hilo Christmas Parade!

CALLING ALL CLASSIC CARS and TRUCKS! Join us for the 34th Annual Downtown Hilo Christmas Parade on November 30th. Meet @ the Wailoa Visitor Center @ 5pm. We are also looking for participants to walk in the parade and pass out goodies to the spectators! Dress in a 50’s theme. If you have any questions…

3rd Annual Kama’aina Nissan & Hawaii Classic Cruizers Kokua Cruise

Hawaii Electric Light’s 125th Anniversary Drive-In Movie Night

De Luz Chevrolet Classic Car Show Toy Drive, Saturday November 16th, 4pm – 6pm

Roll-in starts at 3:00 pm. See You There!

KTA Halloween Event

Aloha CRUIZERS! KTA Superstores invites the HCC to participate in their annual Halloween Haunted House event by doing a car display and a “trunk or treat”. This event takes place at KTA Puainako from Monday, October 28 through Wednesday, October 30. There will be a Haunted House event on Thursday, October 31 (Halloween), however due…

32nd Annual St. Joseph’s School Country Fair

Saturday, October 5th . Come show your car on the lawn. 8:00am to 2:00pm  

Classifieds Section is now LIVE!

We now have a member classifieds page to list Cars for sale, Parts for sale….or anything automotive wanted.  Classified page is free to use.

Lunch & Cruize

Cruize Night!

Hilo Coffee Mill Cruise, August 10th

Meet at the Hilo Bayfront at 9:00 am and leave at 9:30 am.  

Links Update!

The Social Media links have been updated to include our Instagram page. It’s located at the upper right hand corner of every page. Enjoy.